7 ways to reduce your impact


We’re fast approaching Summer here in Northumberland and this is often when visitor numbers to the region are highest.

If you're planning a journey on the Northumberland 250, we hope this guide will give you some useful tips you can adopt to help minimise the impact of your time on the route.

Together let’s help to preserve the stunning landscapes that make Northumberland such a special part of the world.


1. Plan ahead & be prepared

Photograph by @adventure_cal

Having a plan, staying on track and being prepared for all eventualities will help you make the most of your time on the Northumberland 250.

By making sure you have suitable navigation tools, you can ensure you can easily stick to the route, avoid getting lost and driving unnecessary miles.


2. Embrace slow travel

Photograph by @amslebrun

Slow travel is all about the journey, not just the destination. Being excited about where you're going, but being just as excited by how you get there, the people you meet, the sights you see, and the experiences you have along the way.

Adopting this mindset helps to reject the traditional ideas of tourism and encourages you to drive less and get out of your vehicle more. Take your time and fully immerse yourself in what this region has to offer.


3. Support local people & businesses

Photograph by @brandonrobson

Along the Northumberland 250 there are innumerable sights to see, compelling things to try, and delectable foods to sample. When stocking up on provisions, please be mindful to avoid the supermarkets and support the local communities wherever possible.

Stop to ask locals where to go and learn about the friendly people and independent enterprises that help make your experiences so memorable.


4. Reduce, reuse, recycle

Photograph by @brock_and_betty

It's no secret that plastic consumption goes up when travelling. Sadly this plastic often ends up in nature, poisoning the environment and even directly killing wildlife.

You can reduce the waste generated by bringing reusable bottles and other waste-free tools, reusing and recycling whenever possible.


5. Offset your carbon

Photograph by @hannah_goes_exploring

Please consider calculating the amount of carbon you will be creating on your trip and then offset that amount of carbon creation through reliable organisations.

If you'd like to support a local project we recommend donating to the Kielderhead Wildwood Project, a mission by the Northumberland Wildlife Trust aiming to rewild vast swathes of rural Norhumberland by promoting diversity and healthy ecosystems.


6. Let wildlife be wild

Photograph by @photos_by_janice

Please remember never to feed Northumberland's wonderful array of wildlife species. Only observe the animals and birds from a respectable distance and do everything you can to avoid disturbance especially at sensitive times such as mating, nesting and raising young.


7. Leave no trace

Photograph by @adventure_cal

As a rule of thumb, after you have left, the land that you have visited should be exactly the same as when you arrived.

Anything that you have brought with you, should leave with you, and anything that was present should remain.


Remembering Freya


Cherry Blossom in Bloom