The Responsible Tourist
Photo by Marc Brown (@marc_vexar)
We want you to have a memorable experience in Northumberland.
However, as the number of visitors to the region continues to grow, it is important that we draw your attention to ways in which you can minimise the impact of your journey and help preserve our landscapes for generations to come.
We’re asking you to be a responsible tourist and follow our 9 ‘leave no trace’ principles at all times during your visit.
The Responsible Tourist
is always prepared…
The responsible tourist is prepared for all weather, all possibilities, and all adventures. Being prepared keeps them safe and avoids problems. They’re conscious to avoid areas at peak times, book their accommodation in advance, and, if going on a hike they remember their map, check the weather forecast, and let someone know where they’re going.
is considerate of others…
The responsible tourist respects the people who live and work in Northumberland. They park appropriately, avoid blocking gateways, forest entrances, or narrow roads. They close gates and take care not to cause damage, especially to walls, fences, and crops. They respect fellow visitors and protect the quality of their experience
is mindful of waste…
The responsible tourist always leaves a place cleaner than how they found it. They refrain from bringing single-use plastics into the region and never leave food or litter behind. They dispose of all waste properly and recycle whenever possible.
leaves as found…
The responsible tourist does their best to preserve the past by experiencing Northumberland’s heritage without damaging the delicate structures. They do their utmost to conserve the present by leaving rocks, flowers, plants, animals, and natural habitats exactly as they found them.
respects wildlife…
The responsible tourist is committed to keeping Northumberland’s wildlife wild. They never feed wild animals or birds and observe them from a distance, taking care to avoid disturbance - particularly at sensitive times such as mating, nesting, and raising young.
stays in a campsite…
The responsible tourist respects rules on camping and understands these laws are designed to protect the pure, clean, and untouched environment of Northumberland. They only camp in designated campsites and do their best to minimise their impact on the area they stay in.
offsets their journey…
The responsible tourist is mindful of the ensuing climate crisis. They take preemptive measures to offset the carbon impact and make the recommended £5 donation to support rewilding projects across Northumberland.
educates others…
The responsible tourist is an ambassador for the leave no trace principles. They’re willing to share this knowledge with others and take action when they witness others falling short of their responsibility.
takes the pledge…
The responsible tourist commits to doing their bit to reduce the impact of over-tourism. They sign the pledge to follow all elements of the 9 ‘leave no trace’ principles.