Wild With Consent

Wild With Consent

 In Northumberland it’s effectively illegal to park anywhere overnight other than in a designated campsite. This does make it difficult for those wanting to find one-off, tranquil locations without any neighbours or noise.

That’s why Northumberland 250 have teamed up with a new eco-tourism concept Wild With Consent to give visitors in campervans and motorhomes on the hunt for a unique adventure the opportunity to stay in wild, secluded places with full landowner consent.


This is campervanning, but not as you know it.

The special permission obtained through Wild With Consent’s vast network of landowners allows guests to get completely off-grid, ditch the crowded campsites, and wake up in some truly remarkable locations.

Each ‘wild site’ is a designated, secluded area of private land, with no facilities. Guests have sole permission to stay for the night and conscious camping is paramount.

See the full list of wild sites