Behind The Lens: Daryl Walker

Timbuktu ©darylscottwalker (6 of 49).jpg

We go behind the lens with North‑East adventure and automotive photographer Daryl Scott Walker.

Discover more about Daryl, his photography journey and the upcoming local photographers we should all be keeping an eye on.


Meet Daryl


nland250: “Hi Daryl, thanks for speaking to us, can you please tell everyone a bit about yourself and what you do?”

Daryl: “Thanks for having me, so i'm a part time freelance photographer and full time Architectural Technologist.

Most of my week is spent creating technical drawings for a local architectural practice and the rest of my time gets occupied with shooting, editing and learning all things photography.

I really enjoy nature and try to involve myself in as many outdoor activities as possible; cycling, running and I am really looking forward to getting back to hiking in the Lake District.”


Where it all began

Bamburgh Castle

nland250: “Can you take us back to when your photography journey began and how it has developed over time?”

Daryl: “I'm not one of these photographers who was blessed to be born with a film camera in their hands, instead, my photography journey only began 7 years ago where I started an obsession with capturing the local sunrises along the North East coastline.

Once my skills had progressed I ventured into new territory across the Lake District and Scotland. My passion for mountainscapes grew and I found myself spending more time in the North, hiking, and camping in some of the classic areas of Scotland.

From there, with itchy feet, I set about exploring Iceland and the Faroe Islands which is where I now spend the majority of my trips abroad. Can't wait to set foot on a plane again and pick up where I left off back in early 2020 before everything went to pot!”


Favourite Place


nland250: “Do you have a favourite place to photograph in Northumberland?”

Daryl: “We are blessed with some incredible coastlines in the North East, but without a doubt my favourite place in Northumberland has to be the Farne Islands. The day trip there to witness the sea life out there is a must for any local or anyone visiting the area.

Teaming with wildlife it's one of my favourite places on the planet for photographing the colourful and curious little puffins and the local grey seals. Best visiting times are between May and July when the islands are home to over 80,000 birds.”



Kielder Mood ©darylscottwalker (9 of 15).jpg

nland250: “What different types of photography do you specialise in?”

Daryl: “My photography revolves around the outdoors which allows my work to be diverse in subjects; adventure, animals, and automotive are the niches I would say I specialise in. I tend not to stick to one subject as my eye is drawn to multiple forms of photography and of course I do not want to limit myself in what subjects I am able to study.

If anyone is also looking for a wedding photographer in the area, I have experience in many of our incredible venues across the county.”



St Marys Clean ©darylscottwalker (1 of 1).jpg

nland250: “What different types of photography do you specialise in?”

Daryl: “My photography revolves around the outdoors which allows my work to be diverse in subjects; adventure, animals and automotive are the niches I would say I specialise in. I tend not to stick to one subject as my eye is drawn to multiple forms of photography and of course I do not want to limit myself in what subjects I am able to study.

If anyone is also looking for a wedding photographer in the area, I have experience in many of our incredible venues across the county.”




nland250: Where does your inspiration come from?”

Daryl: “Inspiration comes from many sources, Instagram, Google Earth, Pinterest, and many many TV Shows / Movies. The hardest part is then turning the inspiration into an idea, followed by a piece of work that people can relate to and also gather inspiration from.”




nland250: “Tell us a bit about the process behind producing your imagery”

Daryl: It’s a process which is in constant development. I really love the editing side of photography just as much as the shooting. In post processing, you can come across an image you thought nothing of during the shoot, but once you're in the editing zone you can pull out magic from the dullest of images!”



Dunstanburgh Aurora ©darylscottwalker (1 of 1).jpg

nland250: “When and where are you most creative?”

Daryl: “I know I'm most creative when exploring new places. It's the thrill of seeing something for the first time that ignites a spark in me and I go nuts trying to find as many compositions as possible.

Whilst I do love new places, I am anticipating a return to the Faroe Islands. It has been a few years since I last set foot in these lands and I feel like I need to return and return to some of my favourite spots and practice my new skills and feel my tweak in photographic style could yield some new and creative images I'd not thought about before.”


Road Trips


nland250: “What is the best road trip you’ve been on?”

Daryl: “Ohhhh good question and so hard to answer! In terms of pure road trips I'd have to say my first ever van trip back in October of 2019 where myself and the girlfriend road tripped all the way up the east coast of Scotland and back.

During our time up north not only did we head up the east coast, we also made sure to stop in the Cairngorms where we went on a walk with the local Reindeers! An experience not to forget, but also an experience to re‑live in the future.”



nland250: “Tell us about your favourite place in the world that you've been able to visit?”

Daryl: “For anyone that follows my work, it's no secret that my favourite place i've ever been to is the magnificent archipelago of the Faroe Islands.

Having grown up next to the coast I'm always drawn to the sea and the Faroe Islands is the perfect place to rekindle the love for the ocean. Towering cliff faces, small quaint villages and the slow life make these islands the ultimate photographer's paradise and I can't wait to get back.”


Wise Words

Abarth Sequios ©darylscottwalker (2 of 18).jpg

nland250: “What advice would you give to someone just starting out on their photography journey?”

Daryl: “Don't be afraid to fail. I remember starting out 7 years ago and my images were very average, and it took many years of trial and error to get where I am today.

I think what a lot of people struggle with initially is going after instant success, however they do not appreciate (and this goes for any art) the time and dedication required to have any form of success.

Take your time, enjoy the process and the results will follow before you know it.”


Local Talent

Plump Puffin ©darylscottwalker (1 of 1).jpg

nland250: “Who are the up and coming North‑East content creators that we should be keeping an eye on?”

Daryl: “There are a few awesome photographers and creatives in the area and I've recently been searching for some others who share the same passion.

You should definitely check out;





Timbuktu ©darylscottwalker (6 of 49).jpg

nland250: “Daryl, it’s been a pleasure. If someone reading this wanted to access your photography services, what would be the please best way to start a conversation?”

Daryl: “I can easily be found on any of my socials as @darylswalker or via the website or shoot me an email at for any enquiries, prints, commercial work, or if you just want to connect!

Thanks for having me nland250 :)”


Kittiwakes Upon The Tyne


Short Walks: The Drake Stone & Harbottle Lake